Find your path to serenity and peace. Let’s discuss ways to succeed in long term recovery.
Addiction can cause problems in many areas of life. Addiction can also cause thoughts of hopelessness and shame. For example, you may have thoughts that there is not a solution to your problem, or that no one would understand your struggle. You are here because you or your loved one are struggling with alcohol, drugs, or a different kind of addiction. There are both challenges and rewards involved in quitting, and we can work together to explore those for you. We will develop and implement specific plans and techniques that work for your individual situation. I can also provide information on support groups, resources, and strategies that can help make the process easier and more structured for you. Change can be your reality. You will learn healthy skills to navigate stressful situations in your life, and ways to make that change achievable.
The rate of success with addiction recovery is significantly increased with additional support. Therapy with me will address deeper issues and solidify recovery concepts. Counseling will also enhance the work you do and sense of community you experience while participating in a support program. I do not endorse any particular group, but examples of support groups that may be helpful to you in addition to therapy include:
- https://recoverydharma.org/
- https://www.aa.org/
- https://na.org/
- https://www.lionrockrecovery.com/online-aa-meetings-and-support-groups
- https://www.smartrecovery.org/
- https://www.celebraterecovery.com/
If you have participated in support groups but your life still feels unbalanced, contact me to discuss ways that therapy can help you feel more grounded and at peace.